On Wednesday 118 more mobile applications were banned by the Indian government, in invoking section 69 of the Information Technology Act. These applications were blocked for security of data and defence of India; the most popular and trending game in the world “PUBG” is also listed in these 118 mobile applications and there are more than 30 million active PUBG players in India.
Not only India but many more countries have already block PUBG for different reasons. Like Pakistan (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) had banned PUBG in July 2020 on the bases of the addictive nature of the game.
Iraq parliament said that games like Blue Whale, Fortnite, and PUBG are dangerous games for our young generation and this type of games are effecting mentally and socially to our people. So, they blocked games like the Blue whale and then PUBG.
Jordan banned this PUBG last year in July, Psychologists in Jordan said PUBG is a game of Violence.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India got may complaints from there sources about misuse of some mobile application available on Android and iOS were hacking user’s data in an unauthorised manner to serves which have a location outside India.
The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs has also asked to ban these all mobile application. This step will move safeguard for crores of Indian mobile users. This decision ensure safety, security and sovereignty of Indian Cyberspace, the Ministry said further.
Iraq parliament said that games like Blue Whale, Fortnite, and PUBG are dangerous games for our young generation and this type of games are effecting mentally and socially to our people. So, they blocked games like the Blue whale and then PUBG.
Jordan banned this PUBG last year in July, Psychologists in Jordan said PUBG is a game of Violence.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India got may complaints from there sources about misuse of some mobile application available on Android and iOS were hacking user’s data in an unauthorised manner to serves which have a location outside India.
The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs has also asked to ban these all mobile application. This step will move safeguard for crores of Indian mobile users. This decision ensure safety, security and sovereignty of Indian Cyberspace, the Ministry said further.